Event Details
Monster Atlantic / OmegaWolfeMonster Atlantic / OmegaWolfe

Monster Atlantic / OmegaWolfe

Monster Atlantic is a rock music experiment that hails from the heart of Roanoke Virginia. Monster Atlantic delivers a high energy rock show full of collaborative original music. The band has opened shows for Crash Test Dummies, Big Head Todd and the Monsters, & Carbon Leaf. In 2016, the band released its debut album, “Sunken City Radio" along with their 2020 follow- up "Run to The Atlantic".


OmegaWolfe is a Roanoke band that plays R&B tinged country rock with an ambitious range. From Heartbreakers to Rock Anthems.


$10 Advance | $13 Day of Show
Door 7:30 PM | Starts 8:00 PM